admin Posted on 1:44 pm




  1. Commission Login. 3
  2. Payee Onboard Workflow. 3
    2.1 Creating Participant. 3
    2.2 Approver. 11
    2.3 Initiator. 13
    2.4 Closed. 17
  3. References. 19


This document helps to understand how to onboard the payee’s and create the respective participant, Position, and Title in the commission system via the Workflow approval process.

1. Commission Login 


Before initiate the payee onboarding workflow please log in to the SAP Commission Portal. Check whether participants already exist or not. If not then initiate the workflow approval process.

No data exist for the given participant id. Now we will create one with the help of workflow.

2. Payee Onboard Workflow

This workflow is to create participant and send to approver after approval it will get created in the commission system.

2.1 Creating Participant

Step 1: Please login to the Workflow Portal to Initiate the Payee Onboard workflow. Click on the + icon highlighted in the below snapshot.


Step 2: After clicking on to Payee Onboard from drop down the below page will appear.


Step 3: Please fill the participant data. You can also use lower case in the fields of first name, last name, and ID, it will automatically update as upper case. The Payee Id ( Employee ID ) should be a unique sequence of numbers and or characters that identifies the participant.



Step 4: If the Payee ID already exists It will show an error message.


Step 5: Please fill the mandatory fields (*).

Step 6: Please give numbers in the Generic Number1 field.


2.1.2 Creating Position

Step 1: For creating position you need to select the option as [Yes].



Step 2: After selecting the Title, Position Name and Start Date will be auto populated.


Step 3: Type [Other] if you wish to create a new title.




Step 4: After selecting the Title as [Other], choose the plan and give the Title name & Title Start Date. After filling the Title name, Position Name and Start date will be auto populated. Position Name is the combination of Payee ID and Title.



Step 5: If the title name already present in the commission system it will show an error.


Step 6: After you fill all the details put comments for approver and click on submit.



2.2 Approver

Step 1: After submitting It will come to Approver. Approver can see the Approve and Send to Revision actions. If Approver select Send to Revision a comment box will open. Put your comments and click on submit it will send back to the initiator.



Step 2: If Approver select Approve a comment box will open. Put your comments and click on submit it will create the participant, position, title in the commission system and close the workflow.



2.3 Initiator

Step 1: In the Initiator Approver can see the Add Comment and Edit Payee Details actions.


Step 2: Using Edit Payee Details you can edit the payee details and click on submit to send it to approver.



Step 3: After Submitting It will send to approver for approval.



Step 5: After clicking on approve, a comment box will appear and approver can yut comments there. After Submit it will go to closed status.


2.4 Closed

Step 1: In the Closed Status you can see the Payee Onboarded Details and you can see the Payee in the Commission workspace.




Step 2: Login into the commission system to see the new participant created.


Participant and Position successfully created in the commission system and participant assigned to position , position assigned to title is also completed.


3. References


Author – Deepika Patel – Aspire Digital





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